Benefits of Pregnancy and Baby Yoga
It is noticeable that women these days take great care of their bodies and in result, more and more women are looking for some sort of exercise during their pregnancy. Pregnancy Yoga as well as Baby Yoga have great impact not only on your fitness but it also brings other benefits to the mother as well as to the child.
According to Norwegian study, hold in July 2012, women that take on some sort of exercise during the pregnancy are less likely to report pelvic girdle pain, low back pain and depression. Those who do Yoga during their pregnancy will also experience a great sense of well being, enhance their bonding with their child and will be able to approach birth more calmly and confidently.
Benefits of Baby Yoga are no less significant. Not only you’ll be able to enjoy ‘time out’ with your baby and gain better confidence in handling your baby, but Baby Yoga also plays an important role in child's own body awareness and thus faster physical development. Dr. Teri McCambridge, division director of sports medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center said: “Having a child spend time on its tummy will improve upper body and neck strength so, the fact that parents are taking timeout of their day to put their baby in different position, will over time increase strength and development.’
As well as aiding your baby’s development, baby Yoga classes aim to strengthen and revitalize new mothers with gentle postnatal exercise integrated into the class.
If you'd like to experience the benefits of either Pregnancy or Baby Yoga yourself then come to any of our classes in Central Cambridge or Great Shelford Studio.
Pregnancy Yoga:
Tuesday 11.30-12.45 Great Shelford (Starting 5th November 2012)
Wednesday 11.30-12.45 Cambridge Central
Thursday 18.30-19.45 Great Shelford
We recommend that you start early in the pregnancy, 12-14 weeks being an ideal time, but starting later in pregnancy is better than not starting at all.
Baby Yoga:
Monday 11.30-12.45 Great Shelford (Starting 5th November 2012)
Tuesday 11.30-12.45 Cambridge Central
Check out more information on our teachers and have a look on our timetable online.
The study is published online in British Journal of Sports Medicine.