Workshops & Events

CAMYOGA regularly hosts workshops and events. Workshops are a fantastic way to get more from your yoga practice and give you the chance to experience more than what can be delivered in a normal class setting.

22nd February

Intermediate Hot Hatha Yoga Class

with Polly Griffiths

22nd February | 12-1:30pm

£17.50 for non-members

Or included with: CAMYOGA credit/class packs, Unlimited passes, Unlimited memberships, Student Passes etc

An empowering progression class for regular CAMYOGA students who would like to advance all aspects of their practice.

Hot Yoga Intermediate is a 90-minute heated class focusing on strength, stillness and progress. It offers a pathway from foundational yoga to increased challenge, discipline and complexity in practice. There will be a chance to try new things — while working on mastering the core practices.

In addition to building a stronger practice, students will improve their knowledge and understanding of the purposes and therapeutic benefits - key values of the Ghosh yoga lineage (Kolkata Yoga).

Key elements of this system include:

  • Dynamic salutations

  • Postures held strongly in stillness

  • Strength-building through the entire body

  • Focus on spinal movement and strength

  • Progress to full backward bends

  • Arm balances and preparations

  • Pranayama and meditation

  • Emphasis on individual practice and progress

  • Clear progression and learning

This yoga tradition from North East India based on the teachings of Bishnu Charan Ghosh, cultivates stillness in body and mind, encouraging deep and meditative focus. His work influenced the progress of modern yoga as exercise in India, combining strength training with traditional yogic practices.

Advanced instructor Polly Griffiths, who has been studying and sharing yoga from the Ghosh tradition for over 7 years with 850hrs certification, will lead this class. Polly has taught this yoga extensively in studios around the world, including Thailand, New Zealand, and California, and recently in London where she taught the Intermediate Series.

Ghosh Yoga Lineage
Bishnu Charan Ghosh was a Hathayogi, bodybuilder and celebrated teacher, prominent in early 20th century Kolkata. The teachings and values shared by Bisnhu Ghosh and his community are in a style distinctive to North East India, sometimes referred to as ‘Kolkata Yoga’. Key hatha yoga text The Gheranda Samhita (1700) was a major influence in this lineage. Today, the Ghosh Yoga methodology explores yogic history, textual study and systems of practice alongside the latest scientific knowledge. The tradition continues to be shared by Ghosh’s granddaughter at Ghosh's Yoga College in Kolkata, and by Yoga Acharyas (Masters) Ida Jo and Scott Lamps - with whom Polly trained.

Starts 1st March

6-Week Course Yoga Flow for Beginners

with Jesse Ng

6-weeks starting 1st March | 10:30-11:30am

£70/ £65 (concessions)
Dates: 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3, 29/3, 5/4

Yoga flow (Vinyasa) classes are often taught at a fast pace. For this reason, they are generally offered at an open level and not catered for absolute beginners.

This 6-week beginners course aims to puncture that assumption by breaking down different elements of the Vinyasa method.

Each week, we begin with preparatory stretches and conditioning exercises that lead to the key asanas (poses) in sun salutations A and B. Taking Vinyasa as a comprehensive method of yoga not as a sport but as a holistic way of being, we will explore how the asanas are connected with the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the philosophical underpinnings of yoga as a spiritual practice according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra.

Since this is a practical hatha yoga course (hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that uses physical movement as a method to regulate body-mind), we will practice at least one full round of sun salutation from Week 1– from a slow step-by-step guided sequence to building up confidence and pace in Week 6. Vinyasa is a fiery method that uses discipline and persistence to activate the deep love and resilience we all have within us. A curious open mind and a willingness to learn and apply are essential.

Week 1: Hamstring Flexibility, Dhristi and Ujjayi Breathing

  • Building the basic hamstring flexibility for the key asanas in sun salutations, such as uttanasana and adho mukha svanasana. Introduction to the use of gaze and deep resonant breaths.

Week 2: Chest Opening, Yama and Niyama

  • Working towards an open chest and shoulders. Connecting heart-opening asanas with yogic discipline.

Week 3: Alignment and Breathwork

  • An alignment-focused class on samasthiti, virabhadrasana I, II and III, trikonasana and pashchimottanasana.

Week 4: Hip-opening and Pratyahara

  • Hips and the gate to tune in.

Week 5: Dharana and the Vinyasa Method

  • Concentration and the Structure of Vinyasa as a Meditative Method

Week 6: Dhyana and Just Flow

  • Absorption/the Dissolution of Boundaries and just flow.

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