The Wonders of Online Classes... Iyengar Style


CAMYOGA offers a big and diverse schedule and most of our classes are live streamed - we then share the recorded session with you for 48h.

Many of us have learned to love the convenience of this offer for many reasons and in our schedule, some teachers and styles are only on offer, virtually.

Our teachers had to adapt to this new world and haved learned to enjoy it too. Like, Karen Stamper who teaches our Iyengar Open class on Wednesdays. In her words:

For my online yoga class, I use my partner Richard as my model. This means he gets a really good practice as he's determined to show his best poses online! But I also find it really helpful to have him there as a demonstrator, this means I can sit at the screen and help participants achieve the poses with the props that they have.

Students also tell me that it is really useful for them to look up and see Richard in the pose, he has also learnt to reverse the instructions I give so that he is performing them the same way as the student, which flips my brain when I turn to look at him!

You may sometimes hear Richard chipping in with comments because he thinks he knows best!"

This class is full of smiles, hard work and commitment! And we assure you that Virtual classes can be divine!

Book Karen’s class, and check out our other online classes here.


Style of the Month: Hot Yoga


Meet Kate Middleton, CAMYOGA's Newest Iyengar Teacher