Get to Know Camyoga Teacher, Anna Jackson

Name: Anna Jackson

Age: 46

Occupation: Yoga Teacher

What brought you to yoga?

Had several goes at starting Yoga, first in 1985, it was a lunch time class in a company I was working for and was amazed how different you could feel after one session.  In 1996 I was living in the US and had a fast pace of life and Yoga became a foundation.  I always felt better after a session.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga? Catch up with family and friends, the allotment and sailing.

What is your favorite yoga pose and why? Sivasana at the end of the practise.  It all comes together at that point, used to wish that it was possible to achieve without all the effort.

What is your least favorite yoga pose and why? Reverse most things, although would not say it is least favourite, most challenging maybe?!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Being mindful, when I am mindful enough to remember to be mindful!

An interesting fact about Anna that you may not know is… Anna is qualified to sail 50 foot yachts and has sailed in a number of wonderful places.  She is also a  total mud monster, this year her allotment produced 50llbs of tomatoes and this made her feel very rich.


Tis the Season for Transformation


Camyoga at the London Yoga Show!